Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Trek Day 21
After checking out from the Luxor, we gathered beside our trusted van for the last time, loaded our bags into the trailer and climber aboard for the long trip across the Mohave dessert to Los Angeles and the end of our 3 week Trek across America.
The Mohave is mostly pretty desolate and flat, and even the few bright spots couldn't stop most of us from sleeping. Various degrees of hang-over, short night's sleeps and the accumulated effect of 3 weeks on the road meant we were shattered.
In 'n' Out Burger
Lunch was taken at "In 'n' Out Burger" which is famed for their ultra simple menu of Hamburger, Cheeseburger, Double Double and Fries, plus a variety of drinks plus a number of "secret" menu options. You need to be in the know about the secret options which include triple and quadruple burgers and "animal style" which gets you extra sauce and grilled onions and can be had on either a burger or your fries.
I had a standard Double Double without tomato or lettuce and it was delicious. Highly recommended and I'm sure I'll go to one or more of their many locations in California.
Los Angeles in an Afternoon

We ploughed on into Los Angeles' horrible traffic and were dropped off at Grauman's Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard. We joined the tourists and looked at the stars in the walk of fame where the biggest crowd was around Michael Jackson's and then to the theatre itself to check out the hand and footprints in the concrete outside. I tried a few and am quite pleased to find that I am a reasonable match for Jimmy Stewart's hands and feet.
The second stop was, inevitably, at a point overlooking the Hollywood sign. Photos were snapped through the smog with varying degrees of success plus an impromptu group shot which has turned out to be the best of the whole trip.
Last Stop, Manhattan

After what seemed like an interminably long drive through the LA sprawl, we arrived at our last scheduled stop of the Trek. We went down to the Manhattan Beach and ate Pizza. It was my first view of the Pacific Ocean, though it was pretty cold and getting dark so I will save my first paddle for a warmer day.
So, I started in Manhattan and this phase of my adventure ended in Manhattan. It seems very fitting and stuffing my face with pizza surrounded by grumpy looking seagulls was a lovely way to mark our final stop.
Hugs and Goodbyes
We unloaded the van at the destination hotel here in the suburb of El Segundo, not far from Los Angeles International Airport. Most of us were staying here for at least one night, though Uli had opted for a hostel in Hollywood and Zoey and Jayde are a short way off in Inglewood. Hugs were exchanged, tears fell and vows made to remain "Facebook Friends".
I went to my room, introduced myself to my rather surprised room-mate (the rooms are cheap as we double-up with other TrekAmerica passengers) then joined the remained of our group for a drink in the hotel bar.
A Word About The Group Dynamic
During the trip, the thing I have found hardest is adapting to a "group dynamic". I am very much used to being on my own and being free to do what I like, when I like. Living with 11 other people under sometimes stressful conditions was a challenge that I met pretty badly. The difference in age didn't help, nor did the fact that I don't drink. This, combined with my need to have my own space when possible created a distance between myself and the rest of the group which was hard to bridge. We started well, but once the rains started falling and camping made living conditions someway short of ideal, I began to feel a barrier build between us.
The distance came and went, and by the time we reached Vegas and I let myself go a bit, things began to heal. It's a shame that happened so late in the trip and I regret not being fully included in the close knit friendships which have grown on the trip.
Still, it was a learning experience and any coldness in relations never really detracted from the places we visited. Our Trek leader, Kate did a lot to help and was a source of solace on several occasions. Many of the group reached out too and I am very grateful to those who helped keep me from feeling completely outcast.

Next Chapter
So the next chapter of my adventure starts soon. I have a day kicking around El Segundo as I don't fancy going into LA itself during my brief stay here, then I collect the car from the airport and I'm off on the grand drive.
Stats - Day Twenty Five
Distance travelled (as the crow flies) - 236 - The Luxor Hotel and Casino, NV. To The Hacienda Hotel, El Segundo, CA
States entered - California
State count - 16 + DC
Burgers eaten - 8
Pizza count - 4... not a very healthy eating day
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