Thursday, 22 October 2009
Road Trip Day 64
There was a certain reluctance in my stride as I got ready to go this morning. Not that I am reluctant to come to New York, rather it's what my return here signifies.
Cross Town Traffic
So, a quick blast along Interstate 95 and I arrived on the outskirts of the most famous city in the world.
About a year ago I drove through central London, just so that I could see how hectic it was. It was exhilarating and a lot of fun once I tuned into the tempo and aggression required to survive.
Manhattan is similar, but the streets are wider and the pedestrians more suicidal. As with London, I am happy to be able to say I've driven in New York. It's one of those places where people say "Ooo, I'd never drive there". I would. I did. I survived.
As Seen on TV
When I blogged about New York at the start of my trip I mentioned some unfinished business; a TV location which I didn't find. Well, as I had the car, I thought I could make amends and made this my only stop on the way into the heart of the city.

Here's The Beast parked illegally outside Tom's Restaurant at 112th and Broadway. Tom's is the restaurant which is used as for the external shots of "Monk's" in Seinfeld and also the inspiration for Suzanne Vega's song, "Tom's Diner". You'll know the song when you hear it... here's a link to the song.
I hurriedly returned before I got a ticket and continued my drive into Midtown.
Closing the Circle
Apart from a complete failure to find a gas station in New York (and thus incurring a small charge for not returning with a full tank) I really enjoyed driving in the city. It's quite a buzz and not that difficult to navigate thanks to the grid system. Plus, the views down the canyons were cool. Here's my first view of The Empire State Building as I drove down 5th Avenue.

I arrived at my hotel, the same one I stayed in on the way into the USA and checked in, thus, metaphorically completing the circle as I returned to my starting point (I don't count landing at JFK).
Thank Goodness for Google
Today, I really felt the benefit of Google Streetview. I'd found the Dollar Rent-a-Car location last night on Google Maps then zoomed in to see exactly what I'd see when I arrived there.
Without it I could easily have missed the sign.
I've Travelled Each and Every Highway
So, this was it. Goodbye to The Beast, my trusty companion for 10,466.3 incident free miles, across 24 states over 63 days. I am genuinely and unashamedly a little upset to be parted. I have owned 3 cars since learning to drive and I drove this 2008 Charger further than either of my first two cars. That overpowered, under-engineered monster was a constant in my journey and I felt a little lost without it this afternoon.

However, moved as I was, I managed not to shed a tear in the car rental office. I had to maintain my composure and display a certain degree of charm to deal with the continuing fiasco which my long term rental has been.
Again, I will spare you the details, but suffice to say my man Jay sorted it as best he could. He was great actually and I appreciate his help. The process did take an hour and a half though so my patience was tested to its full extent.
Each Careful Step Along the Byway
So, divorced from my transport (which will not be rented again and is now destined to be sold!), I was back to walking the streets of New York. It's such a great city to walk through though and I soon fell back in love with the smells, sounds and feel of the throng. It was a beautiful day today too, though the forecasters predict cooler tomorrow and vile weather Saturday... not that I will be affected by it then.

After a couple of slices of pizza I returned to the hotel to dump the bits and bobs I'd left in the car and chill a little before taking a longer stroll in the early evening. My goodness the Chrysler Building is beautiful.

I'll State my Case, of which I'm Certain
It's not just the architecture I notice when I am out and about in New York, there is also a deal of people watching. One, inescapable truth about the women of this city is their sense of style. In my admittedly minimal research, I'd have to say that there are more, better turned out, fashion conscious women here than anywhere I've been.
Today I have observed that leggings are in, but only if you have the figure for them, and so are winter dresses, short smart skirts and skyscraper heels. It's a veritable catwalk out there on the streets and very entertaining.
...And you thought all I talk about is cars and hotels.
Stats - Day Ninety
Distance travelled - 67 miles - Stratford, CT to New York, NY
Final State count - 40 + DC + B.C.
Room numbers stayed in - 203, 1, 148, 212, 205, 210, 246, 118, 3, 145, 229, 111, 207, 206, 40, 605, "Cowboy", 35, 11, 18, 262, 216, 208, 430, 216, 59, 226, 115 / 110*, 309, 30, 8, 255, 428, 209, "Spare", 105, 207, 227, 126, 112, 4, 16, 229, 115, 108, 106, 522, 1201
*room switch
One thing I noticed about the people in NYC is that they stare down... All the tourists look up. It's easy to spot the locals. Oh, and they look very unhappy.
But, it is a magnificent city!