Saturday, 19 September 2009
Road Trip Day 31
I am now in a position to declare myself an authority on "Complimentary Continental Breakfast". I'm in my 24th lodgings since I hit the road on my own and you get good and bad. Today's was meagre at best so I made do with a polystyrene bowl of Frosted Flakes which I ate with a teaspoon. This delight was accompanied by polystyrene cups of coffee and concentrated juice. Not really the start to the day I was hoping for but better than a jab in the eye with a sharp stick.
Getting High
So, last night I stayed in Estes Park, the eastern gateway town for Rocky Mountain National Park and is at an elevation of 7,522 feet which is around 1.4 miles above sea level. By the time I had reached the highest point in the park I was at over 12,200 feet, some 2.3 miles up.
I've never been that high before so I hadn't realised just how thin the air feels and how short of breath it leaves you. At first I just put it down to being out of shape, but at least I have an excuse now.
Fall in Colorado
One feature of Colorado I am seeing already is that they have defined seasons. Today is the last weekend of summer. The forecast says it is due to snow on Monday. There's none of this weeks and months of wishy washy greyness that we call both Autumn and Spring in England.
The mix of trees close to the tree line here meant the most gorgeous display of colours as the leaves turn.

The road through Rocky Mountain National Park is actually higher than Going to the Sun Road in Glacier National Park and reaches altitudes where the conditions are so harsh that the terrain turns to Tundra. The tundra isn't barren though, but the plants and lichens there are very low growing and scrubby. The rocks are craggy and broken from constant freezing and thawing. It was actually rather striking in the bright sunshine but I'm not sure I'd want to be up there in the height of winter.

Self Portrait Fail
I don't take many pictures of myself, but I do like one or two when I am at places of particular note. There is usually a willing volunteer around who notices my attempts at self portraiture and steps in. When I do take them myself with the timer I either find a convenient ledge or use a mini tripod.
This is what I was attempting today but was accidentally ambushed by oncoming fellow tourists. Here's the result...

So, seeing as how that one didn't work out, here's an alternative with something far more attractive in the foreground.

There and Back
I couldn't spend very long in Rocky Mountain today, so once I had driven the 50 miles along the Trail Ridge Road I started back to Denver. Now, rather foolishly, I hadn't accounted for the fact that as I had driven up and over the Rockies in the morning and Denver is back on the other side I'd have to drive back over them to get back. That meant another mountain pass and, happily, more amazing views.
There's no photos to share of this though as it is a major highway and not designed to have a whole lot of over looks and view points. Amazing drive though and very enjoyable.
Internet People are Real
I rounded my day off in fine style with a long awaited and highly anticipated meeting with my friend Melissa. We met through the now closed Prince fan site, Housequake. We've kept in touch since though and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to finally meet. We spent the evening talking Prince, life, America and generally shooting the breeze. Tomorrow she is taking me to a car show where her Dad is showing his classic car.
Friends Reunited
Remember Portland? Remember me leaving my travelling companion behind? Well, the lovely people at the Marriott sorted everything out and look who's back.

Goodnight... from both of us.
View Driving Day 31 in a larger map
Stats - Day Fifty-Seven
Distance travelled - 148 miles - Estes Park to Lakewood, Denver, CO
State count - 22 + DC + B.C.
Room numbers stayed in - 203, 1, 148, 212, 205, 210, 246, 118, 3, 145, 229, 111, 207, 206, 40, 605, "Cowboy", 35, 11, 18, 262, 216, 208, 430
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