Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Road Trip Day 41
Did I come across a little despondent yesterday? Let's blame the weather and move on.
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The tiny little motel in Ely was lovely and warm and comfy. I slept like a log. Admittedly, it was a log that wished the fridge wasn't quite so noisy, but a log none-the-less.
Ely is about 40 miles from the main draw that had lead me up to the north country of Minnesota, namely the area known as the "North Shore". The north shore in question is that of Lake Superior. The route from Ely to the lake ticked all my plus boxes for a journey with winding roads, very little traffic, fabulous scenery and a great local diner for breakfast.

I'd already driven for about an hour through trees of a thousand different hues when I arrived at the diner, "Our Place". I suspect I was the first tourist to stop there in about 40 years, but the welcome was warm, the food was great and the old timer at the counter kitty-corner to me was delighted to meet me. He said he'd feel bad if he didn't advise me to go to Temperance State Park a few miles up the coast, in the wrong direction from where I was travelling.
Free To Change Your Mind
Seeing as how he was so kind, and a Vietnam Vet, I couldn't bring myself to ignore his advice so I plotted a route in the Sat-Nav along one of the unpaved County Roads and headed north.
Even before I got to the park, my detour paid the most stunning dividends. It was as if the trees had ganged together and put on their best display on this out of the way, barely travelled road. Here's a shot from a section where they formed a natural tunnel. I have video footage too featuring two deer skipping across the road.

Something In The Water (Does Not Compute)
At the end of this road lined with sumptuous colours I crested a hill and saw the largest body of water I had seen since I left Vancouver. Lake Superior is the largest body of freshwater (by surface area) in the world, so that's another "Tallest, Largest, Deepest, Widest" thing to add to my list.
It's a deep, rich navy-blue colour and large enough to have waves big enough to crash onto the shore with great gusto. I stopped at the recommended State Park and my local adviser is right, it's very beautiful and features a river which has scoured deep, circular holes into the rock at its mouth.

However, despite the ferocity of the river as it flows over these rocks, it emerges into the most delightfully tranquil little bay on the lake. It's like something straight out of Swallows and Amazons.

I Don't Care To Win Awards
I'd like to nominate this spot for the Best View from a Picnic Table (Lakes and Waterways Section).

Time was running short so I couldn't stop at all of the little state parks on the North Shore, but I did make sure to stop at Gooseberry Falls which is a very pretty little double set of falls which are fully accessible to sightseers so I joined the small crowd merrily walking on and over the falls.

Graffiti Bridge
When I was looking through my guidebook for places to visit in Minnesota, one destination I wanted to see was Duluth. However, circumstances conspired to mean that this rather attractive city became somewhere I passed through with barely a moment to stop. I did stop long enough though to drive over and photograph the Aerial Bridge... which was happily not spoiled by graffiti.

Duluth looked very nice from what I saw, so I'll have to add it to my list of things to see next time I'm out this way.
MPLS Funkin'
I am now in Minneapolis. More than 24 years since I saw a movie set here and close to 22 years since my favourite baseball team won the World Series I'm here.
I am childishly happy. I arrived at dusk, checked in, checked my email, waited for the result of the Twins game then headed out into the City for dinner. So far, I love it. There are some great looking skyscrapers here, the tallest I've seen since New York, and I felt comfortable in the centre of town at night.
Tomorrow, I explore.
Thank You Minneapolis, Goodnight!
View Driving Day 41 in a larger map
Stats - Day Sixty-Seven
Distance travelled - 315 miles - Ely to Minneapolis, MN via the North Shore and Duluth
State count - 26 + DC + B.C.
Room numbers stayed in - 203, 1, 148, 212, 205, 210, 246, 118, 3, 145, 229, 111, 207, 206, 40, 605, "Cowboy", 35, 11, 18, 262, 216, 208, 430, 216, 59, 226, 115 / 110*, 309, 30, 8, 255
*room switch
**Award yourself a Bonus Point if you spotted that "Waterfall" is a Wendy and Lisa song title rather than a Prince Song Title/Lyric like all the rest of the headings.
What a great day you had on the North Shore. I was at Temperance yesterday hiking up the gorge, then back home in Duluth by the Aerial Lift Bridge (your last photo). Enjoy Ely...do the hike to Dry Falls if you have time.