Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Road Trip Day 13
It's been a driving day today with 181 miles covered to get me from Bend to Portland via Salem, Oregon's very attractive state capital.
I left Bend early, but not before stopping at Safeway for soda and other essential supplies... Chocolate Chip cookies count as essentials don't they? I also had to go to Radio Shack for a replacement cable to hook my MP3 player up to the car stereo.
A Little Bit Country
When I was planning this driving trip, a few people said that I should be sure to listen to the local radio stations as I travel to gain extra flavour. I've been doing so and have found myself really enjoying the country stations. I've never listened to country before and had thought it a bit silly, but I've found the songs and the laid back attitude of the DJ's ideal for whiling away the hours on the road.
More Mountains
Today's route took me back over the Cascade Mountains and gave me a close up view of Mt. Washington. There was also a stretch of road running past areas recently ravished by wildfire. It makes for a very sad sight with vast swathes of barren ground peppered with dead and burned trees. It was all given stronger poignancy given the current fires raging in California and further south in Oregon. Here's a shot of Mt Washington with fire damage in the foreground.

My trusty guidebook didn't give much regard to Salem, but as it was on my route, I decided to stop by to see the Capitol Building, the one sight which the book picked out. It's a very grand building with a golden statue of a pioneer on top. What I saw of the city was very appealing indeed with a calm, crisp feel to it combined with the laid back Oregonian attitude. I took a few pictures then sought out another Safeway for some hot lunch which I ate on the lawn outside the Capitol Building.

By the time I got to Portland I was pretty tired. I'd not slept well the night before, so I resisted the temptation to head into the city to scope things out and instead took advantage of the small hotel pool and hot spa.
I'd not been in a hot spa before but I have to say I am sold on the idea. Hot water, fizzy bubbles, relaxed muscles. What's not to like? I dare say I'll take another dip before I check out in a couple of days.
A Stranger is just a Friend you haven't met
As I'd not left the hotel area, I had dinner at the local Pizza restaurant which doubles up as a Sports Bar. With the sports theme in mind, and as I didn't have time to fix my hair, I popped my Minnesota Twins cap on and went to eat.
I'd not been sat long when a friendly gent asked if I was from Minnesota as he was. I explained where I'm from and my tenuous link to Minneapolis... which is that back in the 1980's I watched late night baseball on ITV and decided to support the Twins because that's where Prince is from.
So, we got talking and exchanged stories of why we are both travelling and in Portland right now. It was a very refreshing change to have company over dinner. I'm well used to eating alone these days but sometimes it's really good to talk. Cheers. Here's to talking to strangers.
Now I'm back in the hotel as ever, but with a better TV and AC unit than I've had for a while and Pantene products instead of the usual free toiletries.
...and Finally
A couple of signs caught my eye as I drove today. One informed me that I was crossing the 45th Parallel, the half-way point between the North Pole and the Equator. I was suitably impressed until I checked the UK's location... it's 8 degrees further North.
The second sign speaks for itself really.

Tough School, eh?
Stats - Day Thirty-Nine
Distance travelled - 189 Miles - Bend to Portland via Salem
State count - 17 + DC
Pizza Count - 6... well, 5.5 strictly speaking. I couldn't finish. The waitress wasn't very spacially aware... and when she finds out what 10 inches really looks like she'll be quite surprised.
Room numbers stayed in - 203, 1, 148, 212, 205, 210, 246, 118, 3, 145, 229
Something about country music really does work when you're on a road trip. And, the older I get, the more I find myself listening to it. Not to say that I'm giving up my funk, guitar laden rock and vast collection of blues and jazz, mind you... but it's good to hear something different... Something simple when you're on the road.
ReplyDeleteOh, and Portland is cool. Good people there.